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Rivista di etica e scienze sociali / Journal of Ethics & Social Sciences

Helen Alford OP

Lecturer in Business and Economics in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Pontifical University of St Thomas, Rome.


Paula Benevene
Docente di Sociologia dello sviluppo e Direttrice dei Corsi di management delle organizzazioni non-profit nella Facoltà di Scienza Sociali, Pontificia Università San Tommaso.


Charles M. A. Clark
Professor of Economics, St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, USA.


Clarence James Coonghe
Recently completed his doctorate in the Faculty of Social Sciences, PUST.

His thesis concerned methods of eradicating child labour in India.


Paola Leone
Professoressa di Tecnica Bancaria, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.


Hugues Puel OP
Lecturer in Economics in the University of Lyon and Secretary General of the Association Economie et Humanisme, Lyon, France.


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Albino Barrera OP  -  Stefano Menghinello  -  Sabina Alkire

Introduction of Piotr Janas OP