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Rivista di etica e scienze sociali / Journal of Ethics & Social Sciences


Institutionalist Perspectives on the "New Economy" and "Globalization"

June 23-28, 2001

University of Missouri,

Kansas City, Missouri, USA


The world economy is undergoing dramatic transformations: volatile stock and currency markets, growing gap between rich and poor, increasing concentration and monopoly power, global warming, possible recession/depression!

Go beyond General Equilibrium Theory and empty formalism and get to the source of these changes in economic evolution, institutional adjustments and lags, technological change and power.. At the AFEE/UMKC Economics Summer School we will highlight what orthodox economics programs leave out: the REAL WORLD!

Not since the 1930's has there been such a need for economic theory to be grounded in economic reality. Institutional Economics is the tradition that explains (and foresaw) these economic catastrophes. The AFEE/UMKC Economics Summer School will introduce students to this exciting and relevant body of economic theory.

The AFEE/UMKC Economics Summer School, sponsored jointly by the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE); the University of Missouri - Kansas City; and the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, will provide participants with an introduction to the ideas and modern applications of institutional economics. Taught by leading Institutional Economists, the 2001 Economics Summer School will concentrate on the following topics: Institutional Economics and Economic Change; Global Labor Market Flexibility; Financial Fragility and Globalization; Macroeconomic Policy for 21st Century (How to Combat Recessions); Winners and Losers in the "New Economy" and Corporate Capitalism.

Admission is open to graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s. Tuition and room and board will be provided to all participants. AFEE also will make available a number of travel stipends that will cover most of the costs of travel to and from the workshop, if participants take advantage of advance airfare bookings and Saturday stay-overs. Applications should include four copies of:

  • a CV;
  • a 1-2 page statement of what each student hopes to get out of the Economics Summer School, and
  • a statement indicating familiarity with heterodox and institutional economics.

These materials will serve as the application for both the summer school and for the travel stipends. Send the materials to Professor Charles M. A. Clark at the address below. AFEE's Graduate Education Committee will screen all applicants and notify participants no later than April 1, 2001.

For more information contact: Professor Charles M. A. Clark, Department of Economics, St. John's University, Jamaica, New York 11439.

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Albino Barrera OP  -  Stefano Menghinello  -  Sabina Alkire

Introduction of Piotr Janas OP